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Heather Wilson, New Zealand_edited.jpg

Heather Wilson

Heather is a mindset and transformation Consultant and Mentor for men and women who want to cultivate their dreams into a life with no limits.


Working globally, Heather teaches those who are seeking growth, fulfilment and expansion, the principles and tools required to master what it takes for personal holistic success.

More about Heather

Heather fully understands those who have got to a turning point in their lives and find themselves thinking….

“I'm stuck”

“I’m tired of playing it small.”

“I feel like I'm the supporting character in my own movie.”

“I know there’s something more for me.”


After a successful career as a Detective in the UK Police, moving countries and Motherhood, Heather found herself thinking these exact thoughts.


So, she turned things round and went back to study one of her favorite subjects, Human Potential.

Heather became formally trained as a Certified Mindset Development Consultant and Mentor by the Proctor Gallagher Institute. She uses the methodologies of the No1 world leader in the personal development field of his time, Bob Proctor.

Heather continuously explores new ideas and ways of working, developing and expanding.

Taking you through a scientifically proven step by step process, which is designed to program your mind, to be in alignment with your vision of success.


By developing positive habits, removing limiting beliefs, Heather can help you close the gap between what you know and what you do, enabling you to focus, become more effective and efficient and become a goal achiever of your dreams.

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