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Maree McManaway

My goal isn't just to give you help, but give you the tools and understanding to help yourself too. I have dedicated my life to helping people grow and find happiness, peace, new careers and new perspectives on their lives. Contact me at LYF4U today and let's see how I can help you too.

More about Maree

Imagine you’re driving along in the dark, it’s foggy and your main lights aren’t working, all you’ve got to guide you is your side lights. You don’t know where you are, you can’t see up ahead. But you know you just have to keep going, however slowly.  And so you do. You carry on. However blindly and un-content with yourself and life. It’s at best an uncomfortable way to live.

This is the analogy that I use to describe how many of us can feel. Feeling lost in life or unhappy with your current situation is very common, you are not alone. But different people experience discontentment in differing degrees and while some manage to find their own direction or get themselves out of a muddle by themselves, others need some assistance. It takes great courage to ask.

My chosen life purpose is to help people who are struggling uncover where they are going by pin pointing just what it is that’s causing them to feel this way. Then, together, we work through it.

But it’s more than this. Identifying the problem area is the first step, healing the past comes next but then the magic  is finding how to move on - how to go forward. And this is where a Life Coach differs from a Counselor. Life coaching is all about potential. It’s a positive, forward-thinking approach to not only getting your life sorted but to leading a better life. It’s about giving yourself a clear direction and discovering  you and your capabilities. A Personal Life Coach empowers you to do this by teaching you the mind skills, tools and techniques that are lifelong that will develop further as evidence and change occur.

The human brain produces some 60,000 thoughts a day and that many of these thoughts are the same. So, if your mind is in a negative thought pattern, it’s likely that this state will self-perpetuate; that your negative thoughts will feed off each other and create more and more of these dark feelings. You will find yourself feeling on the treadmill of life. My coaching aims to break this cycle. Just as a fitness coach would help you train your body, life coaching can help you train your mind. By applying to everyday life the tools and techniques needed, you can alter and enhance your future. And you will, you will go on to lead a better life for you.

My courses are short – typically between six to eight weeks – but it’s solid interactive work. There’s a little homework sometimes, nothing more than a few minutes.  It is for you a journey of self discovery letting go of, accepting and making peace with the past is an integral part of moving forward. I understand how intimate yet empowering the sessions are. But if you’ve reached a level where you want to turn your life around and you are committed to doing it, you’ll fly through – and, I assure you, you won’t look back.

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