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Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were very close friends.
In 1896, Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric bulb, was working on an idea to design a car when he heard that a young man who worked in his company had created an experimental car.
Edison met this man at his company's party and interviewed him about the car.
He was impressed! He had the same idea as the young man but he was considering electricity as the power source while the young man used a gasoline engine to power the car.
He slammed his fist down and shouted "young man, that's the thing! You have it! .. I think you are on to something! I encourage you to continue your pursuits!"
With these words of encouragement from the highly respected inventor in the United States at that time, HENRY FORD, continued his work, invented a car and became wealthy.
On december 9, 1914, Thomas Edison's laboratory and factory burnt down. He was 67years old and the damage was too extensive for insurance cover.
Before the ashes were cold, Henry Ford handed Edison a cheque of $750,000 with a note saying that Edison can have more if he needed it!
In 1916, Henry Ford relocated his home to the building next to Edison's home and when Edison couldn't walk and was confined to a wheelchair by his doctors, Henry Ford also bought a wheelchair in his house so that he could run wheelchair races with his friend and mentor! How awesome is that!
Thomas Edison COACHED Henry Ford to believe in himself and got a friend for life!
Don't ever be jealous of other people's success. If you can't win a race, help the person in front of you to break the record!
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