Touch or feeling sensation is one of your primary censorial processors for receiving information to your brain.
It literally sends the signal to calm and organize your sensory nervous system,"
The weight of your rug/blanket/comforter can simulate the sensation of someone holding you without having to actually be near anyone.
If you are feeling anxious cuddling up on the couch with a favorite rug( or pillow) can help you relax and de-stress.
That you feel "safe"
It can even encourage those have trouble falling (or staying!) asleep at night.
It can aid in settling children also.
Another great hug/connection suggestion is your pets( should you have one) or a soft toy substitute.
Hugging is all natural and 100% wholesome.
Hugging is practically perfect. No batteries to wear out, inflation proof, non fattening, no monthly payments, theft-proof and non taxable.
Hugging is an underutilized resource that may allow those anxious to sit quietly and open up more comfortably with another and to express more freely their concerns.Talking out your concerns is key to understanding them.
Hugging also keeps you warm, on these cooler evening.
If you are feeling great anxiety , which is completely natural during this surreal time in our world, it can be nice to cocoon yourself as you would an infant in your bed or while sitting on the couch.
Or to enjoy the sensation of feeling wrapped and secure with a scarf/hat/old favorite over sized jumper.
Release some endorphins today!
With you all the way
